Carlos Zervigon Has Earned The Endorsements of trusted community members, organizations, and public leaders:
The Gambit: "Zervigon impressed many (including Gambit) last year when he ran for state representative, and he’s equally if not more impressive as a candidate for the school board. A former public school teacher and lifelong artist and community leader, Zervigon says he struggled with learning disabilities as a student. That struggle gives him unique insight into the plight of thousands of special-needs students in our public school system — and a deep, personal commitment to improving their access to a high-quality education. He also pledges to focus on student-centered learning policies, the fiscal stability of the school district, and a systemwide plan to address the mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic."
Mayor Moon and Senator Mary LandrieuIt's an honor to have the support of Moon and Mary Landrieu. The Landrieu family has helped push our state in a more progressive and equal direction for many years.
For all of the years I and my family have been engaged in the struggle fighting for civil and equal rights for all people, the Landrieus have been there to help advance the cause as public officials and leaders. I'm proud to have their support in this race for School Board. - Carlos |
Ruby Bridges